Freedom from Sciatic Pain: How Symmetry Unravels the Complex Web of Pelvic Misalignments

Are you one of the countless individuals who have experienced the relentless discomfort of sciatic pain? If so, you're not alone. Sciatica, often characterized by sharp, shooting pain that travels down the sciatic nerve, can significantly hinder your daily life. But here's the good news — Symmetry, a revolutionary approach to postural correction, offers a unique and effective solution to alleviate sciatic pain by addressing the root cause: PELVIC misalignments that compress the sciatic nerve.

Understanding the Sciatic Struggle:

Sciatica typically stems from pressure or irritation on the sciatic nerve, which is nearly unavoidable if you have misalignments in the hips. Whether due to poor posture, sedentary lifestyles, compensation, sitting for long periods of time at work, or imbalances in muscle strength, these misalignments create a domino effect, leading to often debilitating pain that radiates from the lower back down the leg. Traditional approaches focus solely on pain relief, but Symmetry takes a more comprehensive route: pinpointing and correcting the underlying misalignments. Fix the root problem, decompress the nerve— feel better!

How Symmetry Targets Pelvic Misalignments:

Symmetry's methodology revolves around precise measurements of 20 different postural bony landmarks. This detailed analysis allows practitioners to identify specific misalignments in the pelvis, offering a tailored approach to corrective exercise. A combination of misalignment of the PSIS-ASIS tilt of the pelvis, pelvic rotation when standing static, forward displacement of the pelvis when standing, or an elevated iliac crest can all lead to sciatic pain. Once the culprit misalignment or misalignments are identified, correction can begin. Clients are taken through a personalized sequenced exercise routine, that works on stretching overactive, contracted intrinsic (holding) muscles, and on strengthening and reengaging underactive WEAK intrinsic muscles to restore balance and alignment. By addressing the root cause, Symmetry empowers individuals to break free from the cycle of sciatic pain as the body restores leverage and alignment around the force of gravity.

Realignment for Lasting Relief:

Unlike temporary fixes that focus solely on symptom management, Symmetry aims for lasting results. By realigning the pelvis and improving overall posture, individuals experience relief from sciatic pain and gain the tools needed to maintain a pain-free life. If you want sustainable, noninvasive results, Symmetry is the place for you. Through precise measurements, personalized corrective exercises, and ongoing support, Symmetry guides individuals toward optimal alignment, empowering them to reclaim their lives without the burden of chronic pain.

What can you do if you are suffering from Sciatica:

The truth is, without measuring you we cannot safely customize a routine effectively for you. This is why Symmetry is different from every other treatment modality.  We always tell clients, if your practitioner isn’t measuring you, then they are guessing, and most likely missing the root cause. We recommend giving us a call. We can schedule you first assessment with us, or help you locate one of hundreds of certified Symmetry practitioners across the US and around the world!  Because at the end of the day, if you cannot bring your practitioner home with you to get treated daily, what are you doing to hold those treatments? But if you can bring home a routine to realign yourself, then you are on track to lasting change.



Symmetry: A Brief History