Let's Talk Mental Health

Symmetry Cares

Most of what we do here at Symmetry is centered around physical wellbeing and pain elimination, but your Symmetry team cares about all aspects of your life. As we delve into the end of 2021, we’d like to talk to you about mental health. 

While physical wellbeing is exceptionally important to living a successful life, emotional stability is perhaps just as, or possibly even more! We take mental health very seriously here at Symmetry, because as humans, we are very spiritual beings. This includes our psyches, our bodies, and our souls. These are the three most essential concerns that we must attend to constantly, to maintain healthy lifestyles. Symmetry has your physical health covered. But what are you doing to sharpen your mind? What are you doing to feed your soul? 

Let’s Talk Remedies

If you’re feeling unfulfilled in one aspect of life, don’t panic! Everyone on our beautiful planet is unique, and with that universal truth we are able to choose from an infinite number of muses to rediscover contentment. All you need are the right resources. Symmetry is always here to help. 

I read this article (link below) from MHA (Mental Health America) that provides tips to boost your mental health. Let’s delve into a few of my favorites. 

  • #1 says: “Track gratitude and achievement with a journal. Include 3 things you were grateful for and 3 things you were able to accomplish each day.”

    • Reminding yourself what you’re thankful for may seem small, but it can cause profound revelation. There’s great importance in remembering the people or the things that keep us sane, and acknowledging these can center our focus back to what really matters. 

  • #7 says: “Experiment with a new recipe, write a poem, paint or try a Pinterest project. Creative expression and overall well-being are linked.”

    • Creativity can be such a powerful mood enhancer, and if you learn how to express it, it can work wonders to your mental state. This goes hand-in-hand with #1, and proves that art comes in any and every form. Expressing creativity is a great way to sharpen your mind, and discover & convey your self-image. 

  • #14 says: “Go off the grid. Leave your smart phone at home for a day and disconnect from constant emails, alerts, and other interruptions. Spend time doing something fun with someone face-to-face.” 

    • We all have experienced how exhausting media can be. Sometimes all we need is to disconnect from technology and find peace inward. 

  • #18 says: “Has something been bothering you? Let it all out…on paper. Writing about upsetting experiences can reduce symptoms of depression.”

    • Writing things down, or journaling, is a great way to translate emotions from your mind onto paper. This helps us better understand the inner workings of our own minds. For some, writing can be therapy. The great thing about this is, writing can be replaced with anything! Choose something that calms you down, that brings you peace, and it can be used for the same purpose.

  • #19 says: “Spend some time with a furry friend. Time with animals lowers the stress hormone - cortisol, and boosts oxytocin - which stimulates feelings of happiness. If you don’t have a pet, hang out with a friend who does or volunteer at a shelter.”

    • This is my personal favorite. My dog Kida is my best friend, my soulmate, the thing I wake up to every morning, and the face I fall asleep to every night. Kida helped me fight my depression, and is my source of constant comfort. If you have a dog, a cat, even a bird, they can help if you let them!!! Afterall, they’re here to be our companions, and they have just so much love to give.

  • #29 says: “Take 30 minutes to go for a walk in nature - it could be a stroll through a park, or a hike in the woods. Research shows that being in nature can increase energy levels, reduce depression and boost well-being.”

    • Exercise releases endorphins, and guess what?! Endorphins make you feel better! Getting out into nature can fill your lungs with fresh air and your mind with peace. If you want company, bring a four-legged friend!

Check out the rest of this article here to see even more ways to enhance your mental state. 

Your Symmetry team is always here for you. We are invested in your lives, and helping you achieve a healthy, happy lifestyle is our top priority and truly our greatest honor. Please reach out to us for anything. We wish everyone a very happy fall from your friends here at Symmetry for Health.

Jaide Mummy

Jaide Mummy is Patrick’s youngest daughter, and has been an active employee and partner of Symmetry for over three years. She is currently majoring in English, and plans on a career in writing. She uses her extensive experience and knowledge of this company to educate and inspire past, present, and future clientele on all things Symmetry.


Ryan Carr ~September Employee of the Month


The 3T'sof Symmetry: Theory, Technology, Therapy